Grulois Geoffrey
Geoffrey Grulois has a master of engineering from Tokyo University and a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from ULB. He trained as an architect and urbanist in Curitiba (IPPUC), Barcelona (AAAA) and Tokyo (Arata Isozaki & Associates) from 1996 to 2002. He teaches at La Cambre school of Architecture from 2004 and at the Faculty of Architecture of ULB since 2011. In 2005, he cofounded the master urban design studio Space Speculation. He has coordinated the international summer schools Resilient Ishinomaki (Japan) in 2011 and 2012 and the UpCycle Barcelona Intensive Programme in 2014. From 2012 he is coordinator of LoUIsE – research Laboratory on Urbanisme, Infrastructure and Ecologies. Since 2015, he is coordinator of the erasmus+ Strategic partnership Metropolitan e-studio ( and a co-coordinator of the Metrolab transdisciplinary laboratory for applied and critical urban research ( In 2015 he received the price Pro-Civitate of the Royale Academy of Letters and Sciences of Belgium for the PhD thesis in urban history. He has published many papers on the history of urbanism in Belgium.
Professor in Architecture and Urbanism
Centre(s) de recherche
architecture, urbanisme