Pelgrims Claire
Pelgrims Claire (PhD) is a MSCA post-doctoral researcher in Urbanism and mobility at the Université Gustave Eiffel, FR within the Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport (LVMT). Her PhD thesis (ULB, 2020) focuses on imaginaries of fast and slow mobilities in the evolution of Brussels mobility infrastructure since the middle of the 20th century. Her postdoctoral research focuses on expanded understanding of mobility infrastructure in relation to gender, aestheticism and functionality. With her Marie Sklodowsa-Curie Actions individual fellowship (2022-2023) under the Horizon 2020 programme, she is working on the SENCyclo project which questions the potential for the sustainable city of gender construction processes around cycling practices, facilities and infrastructure. She is also involved in the PDR FNRS « Gender and Bicycling Aesthetics » (2021-2024) with STRIGES, sasha (ULB) and Cesir (USL-B). She teaches in the Master en Approches sociales des enjeux énergétiques at Université de Paris and in the Master in Transition Urbanism at ULB. Claire has also been involved in research projects on Covid19 related cycling infrastructure and tactical urbanism, Brussels metropolitan cultural and mobility infrastructures (18th-21st century) (micm-ARC) and on sustainable transition of company mobility (BSI chair). She is the Executive Secretary of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility, and is involved as member in the French ‘Passé, present mobilité’ [P2M] network and in the International Ambiances Network. Associate researcher at Waseda University (JP), she has been a visiting researcher at LaSUR (EPFL, CH), CRESSON (UMR AAU, FR) and at the Observatory of Bicycle and Active Mobilities (OUVEMA, UNIL, CH).
Centre(s) de recherche
Leloutre, Géry, and Claire Pelgrims. 2017. ‘Le roadscape bruxellois. Le rôle de la route dans la rénovation urbaine ou la coproduction d’une infrastructure paysagère’. In L’entrée en ville. Aménager, expérimenter, représenter., edited by Tatiana Debroux, Yannick Vanhaelen, and Judith le Maire, 43–62. Bruxelles: Editions de l’Université. Pelgrims, Claire. 2018. ‘Aménager la lenteur. La dimension imaginaire de la piétonnisation du centre-ville bruxellois’. Espaces et societes n° 175 (4): 143–62. ———. 2019a. ‘Ambiance of Slowness. Brussels Commercial Gallery of the Latter Half of the 20th Century’. Edited by L. Lescop and A. Kępczyńska-Walczak. SHS Web of Conferences 64: 03001. ———. 2019b. ‘Tension between Fast and Slow Mobilities: Examining the Infrastructuring Processes in Brussels (1950–2019) through the Lens of Social Imaginaries’. Transfers 9 (3): 20–40. ———. 2020a. ‘Fetishising the Brussels Roadscape’. Journal of Transport History 41 (1): 89–115. ———. 2020b. ‘Entre vitesse et lenteur. Imaginaires en tension dans l’évolution des infrastructures de mobilité’. Thèse de doctorat en Art de bâtir et Urbanisme, Bruxelles: Université libre de Bruxelles. ———. 2020c. ‘Normativity and Aesthetics. The Political Dimensions of Mobility Infrastructure’. In Ambiances, Alloæsthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds. 4th International Congress on Ambiances, 208–13.