*Imeraj, L., Engelbos, C., Huegaerts, K. (2012) Een bevolkingsprognose voor het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest. Impact op het aantal beschikbare plaatsen in het Brusselse kleuteronderwijs. Working paper
*Mousaid, S., Bosmans, K., Huegaerts, K., Vanroelen, C. The service voucher system, health and health inequalities, Interface Demography Working Paper 2015-1, Vakgroep SOCI, VU Brussel.
*Huegaerts, K., Vanroelen, C., Sainsbury, R. SOPHIE – WP2. Fuel Poverty Policies and Programmes in Northern Ireland, Interface Demography Working Paper 2016-1, Vakgroep SOCI, VU Brussel.
*Mousaid, S., Huegaerts, K., Bosmans,K., Mireia, J., Benach, J., Vanroelen, C. The Quality of Work in the Belgian Service Voucher System. International Journal of Health Services, 2017;47:40-60. DOI: 10.1177/0020731416677478.
*Huegaerts, K., Puig-Barrachina, V., Vanroelen, C. The mental health of unemployed Brussels youth: the role of social and material resources. Archives of public health, 2017;75:19. DOI: 10.1186/s13690-017-0187-7.
*Huegaerts, K.; Spruyt, B.; Vanroelen, C. Youth Unemployment and Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Embodiment. Societies 2018, 8, 14, doi:10.3390/soc8020043.
*Huegaerts, K. The effect of unemployment on the mental health of young social vulnerable groups in the Brussels Capital Region – Policy Brief; 2018.
*Freiler, A., Muntaner, C., Gelormino, E., Huegaerts, K., Puig-Barrachina, V., Mitchell, C., O’Campo, P. Resisting Austerity Measures to Cut Social Policies: Multiple Explanatory Case Studies of Four Countries. Health Promotion International, doi:10.1093/heapro/day073.
*Vanroelen, C., Janssens, B., Trionfetti, M. C., Huegaerts, K., Deschacht, N., Brizna, M., … Dotti, N. F. (2018). Étude sur la réintégration des métiers peu qualifiés externalisés dans la fonction publique régionale Bruxelloise. Brussel.
* Huegaerts, K., Wagener, M., Vanroelen, C. (2019). Is mental health a predictor for a smooth school-to-work transition? A 20-months follow-up study of Brussels youth.
Applied Research in Quality of Life. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-019-09749-6.
* de Wilde d’Estmael, J., Dermine, E., Deschacht, N., Dotti, N.F., Huegaerts, K., Janssens, B., Trionfetti, M.C., Vanroelen, C. (2020) Outsourcing or insourcing? The case of the Brussels Regional administration.
Brussels Studies. https://doi.org/10.4000/brussels.4843.