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Castilleja Diana


Diana Castilleja. Doctor in Hispanic studies from the Sorbonne University. She studied a degree in communication at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM CEM) as well as the Master’s degree in Literature at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico.

She has been Research fellow at the KULeuven. She has also been guest professor at the universities of Ghent, Antwerp, Liege and the ULB in Belgium, as well as at the Université de Haute Alsace and the Jean-Jaurès University in Toulouse.

She is professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and at the Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles.

She is currently president of the Hispanist Association of Benelux AHBx (www.ahbx.eu) of which she was also a founding member in 2004.

She is also member of several interdisciplinary and/or interuniversity research groups, including PROSPÉRO at the University Saint-Louis and CLIC (Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings), DIGI (Brussels Platform for Digital Humanities) and the BCUS (Brussels Centre for Urban Studies) at the VUB as well as the FWO-funded Scientific Research Group “Literatures without Borders. A Historical-Comparative Study of Premodern Literary Transnationality”, hosted by RELICs (UGent), and BCUS (VUB).

She is also co-director (with R. Enghels, UGent) of the research project CROS: Crossing the border between English and Spanish.

Her research interests deal with autobiographical discourse, autofiction, essay, historical novel, intermediality, comics, digital humanities, exile, theatre, migration in Spanish and Latin American literature (20th and 21th centuries) and/or in comparison with another literatures.

CLIC; Diane Castilleja; 27603





Centre(s) de recherche







“Brussel schrijven/Ecrire Bruxelles: De Stad als inspiratiebron sinds de 19de eeuw/La ville comme source d’inspiration depuis le XIXe siècle”
Bekers, E. (ed.), Acke, D. (ed.), Castilleja, D., Vanden Berghe, D., Collard, C., Ernst, T., Van Zoggel, A., Comberiati, D., Penne, L., Thomas, C., Tyssens, J., De Spiegeleer, C., Vandevoorde, H., Acke, D., Bekers, E., Weyssow, D. & Duchenne, G., 2016, Brussel: ASP / VUBPRESS. 340 p. (Urban notebooks ; no. 14)

“Regards hispano-américains sur Bruxelles. La ville d’après Carpentier, Molina et Mondragón
Castilleja,” D., 2016, Brussel schrijven – Ecrire Bruxelles. Acke, D. & Bekers, E. (eds.). Brussel: ASP / VUBPRESS, Vol. 14. p. 169-179 (Urban notebooks; no. 14).

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