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Companies and sustainable mobility. The company car debate and beyond.

Companies and sustainable mobility. The company car debate and beyond.

Mobility definitely constitutes one of the biggest contemporary societal challenges. In the national media and between the different parties involved, a lot of debating is going on about all kinds of aspects about the mobility challenge. What strikes as remarkable in these discussions is that there is often disagreement about the concepts and definitions being used and the quantification of the issues at hand. Moreover, the discussions often concern only one aspect of a much broader problem. A more general, multimodal approach is seldom adopted and other relevant policy domains or realities are often not considered. 

Therefore, eleven organisations / interest groups each provided a budget to be managed by Brussels Studies Institute (BSI) in the context of an academic research chair. The aim of the research chair is to generate a broad, scientifically substantiated approach of (company) mobility based on cross-community and multidisciplinary academic research (focusing on different geographic scales and cases, with a particular interest in the Brussels metropolitan area).

The steering committee, constituted of 1/3 financing parties, 1/3 other stakeholders and 1/3 academics, sees to the independence of the research.

Twice a year a dissemination event is organised, to which a broad range of stakeholders are invited : funders, researchers, civil society organisations, authorities, think tanks, etc. Intermediary research results are being put forward for debate and future steps are presented. The aim of these events is to reach maximal inclusiveness of all stakeholders.

Research groups

The interuniversity research chair ‘Companies and sustainable mobility’ aims to offer a broad view on the complex issue of sustainable company mobility by implementing the following four work packages:

Click here to know more about work package 1 content

Click here to know more about work package 2A content.

Click here to know more about work package 2B content.

Click here to know more about work package 3 content.

Finally, the results of the different work packages will be brought together and integrated and the result of this exercise will be brought to a broad audience in order to feed the public debate.”


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