Swyngedouw Eva
Eva Swyngedouw is a postdoctoral researcher at Cosmopolis and a guest lecturer in Urban Sociology at the ULB teaching in the Erasmus Mundus MSc 4Cities as well as the VUB-ULB MSc in Urban Studies. Her research interests can be situated in the domain of urban sociology, cultural sociology, qualitative methods and migration studies. The research themes of urban diversity, identity and citizenship in cities are the common threads that run through her research. Currently, she works on a diverse array of research topics ranging from the diversity of work in the creative and cultural industries in Brussels to the phenomenon of housing evictions in Brussels. Her dissertation project was an ethnographic and interview-based study of the citizenship-making practices at immigrant reception offices in the multi-institutional and bilingual city of Brussels. Previously, she studied social interactions in the subway in Chicago and hybrid identity formation among Congolese migrants in Brussels.
Centre(s) de recherche
Swyngedouw, Eva. 2021. “‘Don’t they jump on the seats?’ Questioning the underrepresentation of artists with migrant roots in the cultural labour market of Brussels.“ In Adam, Ilke, Adefioye, Tunde, D’Agostino, Serena, Schuermans, Nick, and Trauner, Florian (eds). Migration, equality and Racism. 44 Opinions. Brusssels: VUBPress. Swyngedouw, Eva. 2019. Reeling in newcomers: Urban competition around migrant reception in Brussels. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. (DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12844) Swyngedouw, Eva. 2018. “Governing Newcomers’ Conduct in the Arrival Infrastructures of Brussels” In Meeus, Bruno, Arnaut, Karel, and van Heur, Bas (eds). Arrival Infrastructures. Migration and Urban Social Mobilities. Palgrave Macmillan. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91167-0_4) Swyngedouw, Eva. 2018. “Backstage trouble. Surviving the Performing Arts Sector of Brussels.” In Rinschbergh, François, Swyngedouw, Eva, and Vlegels, Jef (eds), Cultural and creative industries in Brussels. Creativity in a divided city. Brussels: VUB Press. Swyngedouw, Eva & Swyngedouw, E. A. 2009. The Congolese Diaspora in Brussels and hybrid identity formation: Multiscalarity and diasporic citizenship. Urban Research & Practice. Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2009, 68–90. [Number of citations: 32]