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Lauro Amandine


Since 2016, Amandine Lauro (1983) has been working as a (tenured) Research Associate of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) at the Free University of Brussels (ULB), where she also teaches courses in African history, colonial history and gender studies in BA and MA programs. She holds a PhD in History from the same university (2009) and has worked as a postdoctoral scholar in various European universities (i.a. the University of Cambridge and Paris VII). Her research and teaching activities have been supported by the FNRS, the CNRS, the Wiener-Anspach Foundation, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Université Saint-Louis and the Federal Science Policy Office. At the ULB, she is currently the director of the Research Centre Atelier Genre(s) et Sexualité(s) and the co-editor in chief of the journal Sextant, the only academic journal entirely devoted to gender studies in French-speaking Belgium. She is currently supervising two PhD students and two postdoctoral researchers on her areas of expertise.

Lauro’s research interests include histories of imperialism in Belgian Africa, gender and sexuality in colonial contexts, and colonial policing and urban order. An internationally-recognized expert in Belgian colonial history, and an historian engaged in public debates about the colonial past, she is currently working on two main personal research projects. The first one concerns the history of sexual violence and of its repression in DR Congo; the second one concerns the history of knowledge production in the Belgian Congo. Since January 2021, she is also the co-PI of the ARC-Advanced research project “HERICOL”, an interdisciplinary project studying colonial legacies in Belgium within the contexts of political mobilizations, public urban spaces, and universities.






Lauro, Amandine, “Violence, Anxieties, and the Making of Interracial Dangers: Colonial Surveillance and Interracial Sexuality in the Belgian Congo”, in The Routledge Companion to Sexuality and Colonialism, Routledge, New York, 2021, pp. 327-338. (Peer-reviewed)
Lauro, Amandine (with Idesbald Goddeeris & Guy Vanthemsche) (eds), Le Congo colonial. Une histoire en questions, Brussels, La Renaissance du Livre, 2020, 463p./Koloniaal Congo. Een geschiedenis in vragen, Antwerp, Polis, 2020, 431p.
Lauro, Amandine, “ ‘To Our Colonial Troops, Greetings from the Far-away Homeland’: Race, Security and (Inter-)Imperial Anxieties in the Discussion on Colonial Troops in World War One Belgium”, in Journal of Belgian History, 2018, XLVIII, 1, pp. 34-55. (Peer-reviewed)
Lauro, Amandine (with E. Blanchard & M. Bloembergen) (eds), Policing in Colonial Empires. Cases, connections, Boundaries (ca.1850-1970), Frankfurt, Peter Lang, 2017, 253p. (Peer-reviewed)
Lauro, Amandine, “Maintenir l’ordre dans la colonie-modèle. Notes sur les désordres urbains et la police des frontières raciales au Congo Belge”, in Crime, History & Society, 2011, XV-2, pp. 97-121. (Peer-reviewed).

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