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Boussauw Kobe


Kobe Boussauw is an associate professor of spatial planning and mobility, part of the Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

Kobe’s research deals with the reciprocal relationships between mobility, planning, and the built environment, both in an analytical and in a policy oriented sense. Within the first track, the way in which various aspects of spatial structure interact with each other is assessed, whereas in the second track the focus is on decision-making processes that impact on such spatial functioning. Kobe’s concern is mainly with the relationship between proximity as a spatial quality, urban liveability, and sustainability.

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Associate Professor

Centre(s) de recherche







  • Farina, L., Boussauw, K., & Plyushteva, A. (2021). Moving safely at night? Women’s nocturnal mobilities in Recife, Brazil and Brussels, Belgium. Gender, Place & Culture, in press.
  • Boussauw, K., & Decroly, J.-M. (2020). The international climate footprint of a cosmopolitan city: Magnitude and trends of Brussels’s air travel burden. In S. Vermeulen, A. M. Mezoued, & J.-P. De Visscher (Eds.), Towards a Metropolitan City Centre for Brussels (pp. 137–160). Brussels: VUBPRESS.
  • Boussauw, K., & Lauwers, D. (2020). The spatial planner as a mediator or as an actor? Looking back at the recent debate about new shopping malls in the Brussels periphery. In B. Boonstra, P. Davids, & A. Staessen (Eds.), Opening up the Planning Landscape: 15 years of Actor-Relational Approaches to Spatial Planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and Beyond (pp. 149–156). Ghent-Groningen: Cooperation In Planning UA.
  • Sieux, F., Pelgrims, C., Grulois, G., & Boussauw, K. (2019). Recherche par le projet: Une approche innovante pour évaluer le potentiel spatial de la transition vers une mobilité durable dans l’aire métropolitaine bruxelloise. In A. Vandenbroucke, A. M. Mezoued, & J. Vaesen (Eds.), Voitures de société et durabilité: Diagnostic et enjeux (pp. 153–177). Brussels: Les Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles.
  • Caset, F., Teixeira, F. M., Derudder, B., Boussauw, K., & Witlox, F. (2019). Planning for nodes, places and people in Flanders and Brussels: An empirical railway station assessment tool for strategic decision-making. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 12(1), 811–837.
  • Da Schio, N., Boussauw, K., & Sansen, J. (2019). Accessibility versus air pollution: A geography of externalities in the Brussels agglomeration. Cities, 84, 178–189.
  • Boussauw, K., Van Meeteren, M., Sansen, J., Meijers, E., Storme, T., Louw, E., Derudder, B., & Witlox, F. (2018). Planning for agglomeration economies in a polycentric region: Envisioning an efficient metropolitan core area in Belgium. European Journal of Spatial Development, 69, 1–26.
  • Boussauw, K., & Van Meeteren, M. (2017). De schaal van de stad of de Brusselse metropool: Van Ottignies tot Mechelen, van Aalst tot Leuven? In P. Ballon, C. Macharis, & M. Ryckewaert (Eds.), De Humane Stad (pp. 35–53). Brussels: VUB Press.
  • Boussauw, K. (2016). Lokale economische aspecten van voetgangersgebieden: Een beknopt literatuuroverzicht. In E. Corijn, M. Hubert, M. Hardy, J. Neuwels, & S. Vermeulen (Eds.), Brussels Centre Observatory Portfolio #1 (pp. 89–96). Brussels: BSI – Brussels Centre Observatory.
  • Boussauw, K., Allaert, G., & Witlox, F. (2013). Colouring inside what lines? Interference of the urban growth boundary and the political-administrative border of Brussels. European Planning Studies, 21, 1509–1527.

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