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Sterken Sven


Sven Sterken is an engineer-architect and professor at the Faculty of Architecture of KU Leuven (formerly Sint-Lucas Brussels and Ghent), where he studied urban planning, teaches architectural history, and leads a design studio on the repurposing of buildings. His research concerns the building politics of institutional clients such as government institutions, religious bodies and international companies in the post-war context. In 2022 Sven Sterken was a researcher in residence at the CIVA, in the context of a book he is preparing about the Brussels architectural firm of Groupe Structures. In addition to his academic output, Sven Sterken often collaborates with architectural firms for the historical analysis and heritage evaluation of buildings in the context of renovation or repurposing, such as the Herbarium building of the Botanical Garden in Meise (with Archivaria, 2022); the headquarters of the National Bank in Brussels (with Jan De Moffarts/Altstadt, 2020); the former headquarters of the RIZIV (2022), and the Centre Monnaie in Brussels (with Jan De Moffarts/Altstadt, 2019).






KU Leuven


Sven Sterken, ‘Een Paard van Troje voor de Noordwijk’, A+ : Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Architectuur, 04/2022, p. 64-68

Sven Sterken ,Sergio M. Figueiredo, Kees Doevendans, A History of Urbanism in Europe. Leuven: ACCO, 2021

Sven Sterken, Eva Weyns, ‘Rethinking the Urban Parish. François Houtart, the Centre de Recherches Socio-Religieuses and the 1958 Pastoral Plan for Brussels’, in: Sterken S, Weyns E

Territories of Faith. Religion, Urban Planning and Demographic Change in Post-War Europe. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2022, p. 157-190

Sven Sterken, ‘Nuns in the Suburb. The Berlaymont Institute in Waterloo by Groupe Structures (1962)’, in Lepine A, Jordan K., Building the Kingdom. Modern Architecture for Religious Communities. Routledge, London, 2018, p. 213-230

Sven Sterken, ‘Bruxelles, ville de bureaux. Le bâtiment Berlaymont et la transformation du quartier Léopold’, Bruxelles Patrimoines, n°15, p. 102-117

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