Thesis Awards 2021 Ceremony
As every year, in February 2021 the BSI launched the Student Thesis Awards that reward an excellent master thesis on Brussels. Thanks to the collaboration with the COCOF and the VGC, this edition will award prizes for three master theses:
- The BSI Thesis Award ;
- The N-Brussel Thesis Award in collaboration with the VGC ;
- The COCOF Thesis Award in collaboration with the COCOF.
Of the 11 applications received, 10 were evaluated by a jury of academic experts who pre-selected 5 master theses. After a second round of evaluations, three laureates were selected.
The Brussels Studies Institute is pleased to invite you to the Thesis Awards 2021 Ceremony. The laureates will receive a prize of €2,000, as well as support in writing a scientific article in the journal Brussels Studies.
Join us on 05 October 2021 at 18:00 at the Halles Saint-Gery (ground floor).
The ceremony will end with a drink
Please advise us of your presence by email to info@bsi.brussels by 30 September 2021 at the latest.
To (re)discover the 2020 edition:
05 Oct 21
de 18:00 à 20:00
Halles Saint-Gery