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Brussels Studies Institute (BSI)

Night of Knowledge on Brussels 2018

Learning to understand Brussels

Is Brussels complex? Absolutely. Administratively, culturally, socially, economically, and demographically Brussels is anything but easy. But this complexity does not mean that you cannot understand or learn to understand Brussels. The sixth Night of Knowledge on Brussels will again explore this urban district and all its varied dimensions. Twenty researchers and Brussels experts share their knowledge through pertinent, 14-minute presentations. You can expect accessible and relevant knowledge about Brussels, peppered with debates and music.



19:00 > Documentary: La Ville, Mon Espace (2016)
19:20 > Welcome word: Eric Corijn (BSI, BruAC), Béatrice Delvaux (Le Soir), Friedl’ Lesage (VRT)

Who governs Brussels?

19:30 > La gouvernance à Bruxelles | Emilie van Haute ULB
19:55 > Bruxelles, ce (n’)est (pas) comme les autres villes-capitale | Caroline van Wynsberghe UCL
20:10 > Naar een contributieve democratie | Michel Bauwens P2P Foundation
20:25 > Les communautés de la zone métropolitaine | Isabelle Thomas UCL
20:40 > The debate: Hoe Brussel besturen? | Geert Jennes (KUL), Aurélie Tibbaut (ULB), Emilie Van Haute (ULB)
21:05 > De laureaten van de BSI Student Thesis Awards

The vast construction sites of Brussels

21:15 > Herrmann Debroux Solange Verger, Milene Deneubourg
21:30 > De Noordwijk als stadsdeel van de toekomst Joachim Declerck Architecture Workroom
21:45 > Welke media voor (welk) Brussel? Ike Picone & Marlen Komorowski VUB
22:00 > Poetry SLAM Giovanni Baudonck

What future for Brussels? (Non) utopian visions

22:15 > Debate: Transhumanism | Pascal Chabot (ULB/USL-B), Nina Petre (IHECS), Dirk Lefeber (VUB), Sarah Pareja-Rodriguez (IHECS)
22:45 > Robots are the future? | Dirk Lefeber VUB
23:00 > Une autre école? | Bernard Delvaux UCL
23:15 > Une vision positive pour Bruxelles? | Luc Schuiten Artiste
23:45 > Closing concert


16 Mar 18


de 19:00 à 00:00





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