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Volinz Lior

Dr. Lior Volinz is a post-doctoral researcher at the Crime and Society (CRiS) research group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel…

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Eliaerts Christian

Christian Eliaerts is currently a professor emeritus of the Department of Criminology. His research focused on sentencing (alternatives to imprisonment…

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Enhus Els

Els Enhus was full professor in Criminology at the Department of Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Since September…

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Melgaço Lucas

Lucas Melgaço is a Professor at the Department of Criminology and is a former post-doctoral researcher at the same department.…

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Beyens Kristel

Kristel Beyens is full Professor of Criminology and Penology at the VUB. She is head of Department of Criminology. Within…

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Christiaens Jenneke

Jenneke Christiaens is voltijds (hoofd)docent verbonden aan de vakgroep Criminologie. Zij begon haar academische loopbaan (in 1988) als interimair assistent…

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Dumortier Els

Els Dumortier is fulltime professor at the Departement of Criminology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). She is a founding…

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