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Publication BSI


Brussels law. An assessment after 25 years of application (1989-2014)

Brussels… A region with many institutions, including the capitals of the Kingdom, the French and Flemish Communities and its own, the seat of the European Union and other international organisations, Brussels must above all take care, on a daily basis, of the future of its (currently booming) population, its businesses, its associations, its municipalities and its neighbourhoods.

In order to deploy public policies adapted to a territory, essentially urban, of 162 km2, Brussels has acquired a right that can meet these needs, which was very far from being the case before the first regional elections in 1989. The legislative and regulatory standards adopted by Brussels institutions over the last quarter of a century now cover a very wide variety of material areas of intervention.

As an echo to the colloquium organised on 23 and 24 April 2014 at the instigation of the Centre de droit public de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches en droit constitutionnel et administratif (CIRC) of the Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, the present work, which deals with each subject matter by subject, both the broad outlines of the evolution of Brussels law and its current situation, attempts to identify the contribution of law to the emergence of a Brussels identity, but also to open up several dialogues between the interested circles of Brussels life and the disciplines that take Brussels as their object of study.

This book will be of interest to legal theorists and practitioners as well as public authorities.

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Sous la direction de Bruno Lombaert, Dimitri Yernault, Pierre-Olivier de Broux




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