Thesis Awards 2022 Ceremony
The Brussels Studies Institute is pleased to invite you to the BSI Thesis Award 2022 Ceremony. As every year, the BSI launched the award that rewards an excellent master thesis on Brussels, in February 2022.
Of the 13 applications received, 12 were evaluated by a jury of academic experts:
- “Les coopératives de locataires face à la crise du logement bon marché à Bruxelles et à Genève” Master de spécialisation, urbanisme de la transition (ULB)
- “Commoning in Urban Gardens in Brussels, an Ecofeminist Approach to the Urban Green Commons” Master in Urban Studies (ULB-VUB)
- “Des tueries à l’abattoir. Bruxelles : évolution d’un espace spécifique (1695-1870)” Master en Histoire, finalité Archives et documents (ULB)
- “The scenes of Molenbeek and Matonge: who hangs out in the neighborhoods” Master en Sociologie (KU Leuven)
- “The role of the architect in participatory design projects: The case of the Brussels public market” Master of Sciences in Architecture and Engineering (ULB-VUB)
- “Lesbienner à Bruxelles, étude spatiale des jeunes queers en contexte urbain” Master en sciences géographiques (ULB)
- “Caring Metropolis : Définition d’un maillage santé” Master en architecture (UCLouvain)
- “Wander Women: On women’s perception of fear in public spaces at night (With a case study of Brussels)” Master in Urban Studies (ULB-VUB)
- “A Postcolonial Reading of Undocumented Women’s Mobilization: Spivak’s Subaltern Silencing and the Case of the USPR Women.” Master in Conflict and Development Studies (ULB)
- “Working for and against the app. Labour-capital relations in Brussels’ platform-mediated food delivery” Master in Urban Studies (ULB-VUB)
- “The use of urban charges in the construction of social housing in Brussels” Master in architectural engineering (ULB-VUB)
- “A Homeless Atlas: The Architecture of Precarious Dwelling in Brussels” Master in Civil Engineering: Architecture (Urbanism) (KU Leuven)
After a second round of evaluations, a laureate was selected.
The Brussels Studies Institute will announce the laureate during a ceremony. He/she will receive a prize of €2,000, as well as support in writing a scientific article in the journal Brussels Studies.
Join us on 17 November 2022 at 18:00 at the Halles Saint-Gery (ground floor).
The ceremony will end with a drink
Please inform us of your presence by email to info@bsi.brussels .
To (re)discover the 2021 edition:
17 Nov 22
de 18:00 à 20:00
Halles Saint-Gery