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Brussels Studies Institute (BSI)

Chair 2023 – Lesson 1: Actors & Ressources

Co-resilience is when groups and communities thrive with uncertainty and unpredictable change. This  emphasis on uncertainty and disruption in the resilience discourse has challenged (and updated) the discussions on sustainability. It has introduced a more dynamic perspective on change processes, addressed through subsequent notions such as ‘adaptative capacity’, ‘transformation’, ‘transition’ and ‘resourcefulness.’

Resourcefulness is a relatively new concept that addresses the necessity to identify, make available and redistribute and share resources of space, knowledge and power across local actors and communities to improve resilience. The idea of resourcefulness  is key to understand co-resilience as it relates resilience processes to the agency of empowerment of the community.

Processes of collective sharing, cooperation and mutualisation are ways to activate resourcefulness within a community, a neighbourhood or a city. Enabling collective sharing networks to emerge and sustaining processes of commoning could benefit resilience practices both on an individual and collective level.  These collective sharing networks could enhance the sustainability of local initiatives, enable them to scale and generate new iterations through replication and multiplication. They could also enable connections between initiatives across locations, facilitating knowledge sharing and mutual support and building collective agency to generate larger scale change.

Using the theoretical background of Bruno Latour’s Actor Network Theory and drawing on a number of concrete examples, this lesson will focus on the notion of co-resilience as resourcefulness and the actor networks which generates it.

This will be done in dialogue with a local project (tbc) which will be presented by one or more  of its stakeholders.


Campus Odisee, building Hermes (local HER1 06.201, 6th floor)

Rue d’Assaut 2

1000 Bruxelles


13 Mar 23


de 12:00 à 13:30



Campus Odissee

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